Easy Jam Tart

Well, we made it to the end of August – and while I probably sound like a broken record, I have to say once again that I’m still not entirely sure where the summer went. It seems like just yesterday the weather was turning from winter to summer (we didn’t really have a spring this year), and we started planning our summer activities. Now, we’re beginning to plan for autumn, and the sun is setting earlier, the mornings are getting cooler, and my burning bush has already begun turning red to mark the changing of the seasons.

One of the things I like to do near the end of the preserving season is to take inventory of everything I’ve put up over the summer. While the season is far from over with plenty of tomatoes and stone fruits still to can, as well as apples now coming into the season, I like to see the variety of fruit I’ve canned and start thinking about how we’ll put it to good use over the winter. That also means doing a little recipe testing – especially since if something doesn’t turn out, I can always put up an extra batch of jam!

Fortunately though, my latest experiment – this easy jam tart – turned out wonderfully. I used my favorite pie crust recipe, although you’ll only need one of the two pie crusts the recipe makes. I always make the full recipe anyway and just put the second pie crust in a sealed bag in the freezer for later.

I divided the pie crust into four parts, with a little leftover for the lattice topping, since I used mini tart dishes to make these little tarts – but you can make one regular-sized tart using a 9” tart pan if you prefer. Use any preserve you like, although I prefer to use jams set a little on the thicker side; it’s much easier to cut into the tart later. These little tarts are perfect for dessert or for afternoon tea, and I hope you enjoy them!

  • 1 recipe pie crust
  • 16 ounces (4 ounces for each tart) of your favorite jam or preserve (I used peach jam)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Roll out one of the pie crust to 1/8″ thickness, and then cut out four rounds for the bottom of each tart. Carefully transfer them to four mini tart dishes (about 4.5-5″ in diameter each). Trim the edges where there is excess, or fold under. Spoon the jam into each pie crust. Using a knife or a fluted pastry cutter, cut strips of pie dough to make a lattice top. Cover the pie with the lattice.

Bake 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, or if the topping is getting too brown, place a piece of foil on top. Bake 10 minutes longer, and then remove the pie from the oven. Let cool completely before serving.

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