The 5 best tips against bloating: THAT really helps

In the morning the stomach was nice and flat, but after lunch, you look like you are five months pregnant. The belly is to blame. Here you can find out what helps against too much air in the stomach and what causes a bloated stomach can have.

Bloating isn’t a bad thing, but it can be uncomfortable. Not only does it make us look like we’re pregnant. The bloating often goes with abdominal cramps and bloating associated. Two things that nobody wants to have in their everyday life. No wonder that many sufferers are looking for quick help against a bloated stomach.

The good news: You don’t have to put up with your bloated stomach, because there are a number of behavioral tips and home remedies that help against too much air in the stomach. From thorough chewing to herbal teas, the list of tips for the bloated stomach is long. But in order to get rid of the air in your stomach and prevent the bloated stomach, you first have to know where the bloated stomach comes from.

These are the causes of a bloated stomach

Too much air in the stomach is usually quite harmless. Stress is often to blame or hasty eating in which too much air is swallowed. Even food that is difficult to digest, such as cabbage or legumes, can ensure that too many gases are created in the intestine, which causes the stomach to bloat.

In addition to these harmless causes, food intolerances, allergies, or diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome can also be responsible for the bloated stomach.

Tip 1: Avoid foods that are difficult to digest

Who tolerates which food and how well is very different. But there are a number of foods that are considered to be particularly flatulent. If you tend to have a bloated stomach and gas, you should avoid the following foods or eat them in moderation:

  • Cabbage (white cabbage, red cabbage, etc.)
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans, etc.)
  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • greasy food
  • very sweet foods
  • Food with sugar substitutes

Tip 2: home remedies for bloating

No matter whether you already have too much air in your stomach or want to prevent: There are home remedies that can help with a bloated stomach. Here comes the top 5 against the bloated stomach:

  • Chew caraway or fennel seeds
  • Drink chamomile or fennel tea
  • Eat ginger raw or drink it as a tea
  • Add mint oil to lukewarm water and drink
  • Place hot water bottle on your stomach

Tip 3: Eat small portions to prevent bloating

If your stomach is often bloated after eating, you should get into the habit of eating smaller meals. The body can digest them better. You should avoid large, luscious meals that may be very fatty.

Tip 4: chew thoroughly to prevent bloating

One of the main causes of bloating is eating too quickly and swallowing a lot of air. Make time for your meals and make sure you chew each bite thoroughly and consciously.

Long chewing not only ensures that less air is swallowed, but it also improves digestion. This is because of the enzymes in the saliva pre-digest the food in the mouth. The gastrointestinal tract then has it easier to digest the food. The result is less air in the stomach and less bloating.

Tip 5: drink the right thing

Not only what you eat, but also what you drink is crucial to avoiding bloating. You should better avoid carbonated drinks such as soft drinks or spritzers. Juices and coffee can also lead to air in the stomach.

Much better to prevent bloating: still water and unsweetened teas. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of it per day.

Still, got Bloated stomach and nothing helps?

If you have already tried all home remedies unsuccessfully and medication has not worked, your flatulence may have a medical cause. Food intolerance, for example, can lead to a bloated stomach. What helps here? Consistent avoidance of the food.

Irritable bowel syndrome, chronic bowel inflammation, or fungal infection can also be the cause of a large amount of air in the abdomen. It is best to have your family doctor check you out if you are constantly suffering from gas and nothing seems to be helping.

The information in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions, or complaints, you should consult your doctor.

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