Add Pumpkin to Your Skincare!

Pumpkins are great for everything from Jack-O-Lanterns to pie, but the pumpkin is making waves in another industry unrelated to the holidays: skincare. More brands are starting to develop formulations for skincare products using the pumpkin as the main ingredient. And so far, people like what they see.

When the weather gets a little bit chillier, our skin tends to get dry, tight and uncomfortable. Aside from lathering layers upon layers of lotion and moisturizer, it helps to have a skincare product that truly hydrates the skin. Luckily, such products exist and they are infused with the natural skincare-friendly properties of the pumpkin.

Did you know that the pumpkin is naturally rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin A, amino acids, and natural UV protectors? Using skincare and beauty items that contain pumpkin can provide the following benefits not only to your complexion, but your entire body: gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells, an increase in the cell renewal process (removing old skin cells and encouraging new ones to the surface), and soothing inflamed or irritated skin.

Pumpkin seed oil, in particular, is an ingredient that is working wonders in the skincare and anti-aging industry. This type of oil is very nourishing to the skin and has excellent lubricating properties, making it perfect for all skin types. In anti-aging terms, the presence of pumpkin seed oil on the skin can actually fight the appearance of fine lines and excessive dryness, allowing for proper hydration and prevention against moisture loss. When used in skincare and anti-aging products, the complete properties of pumpkin seed oil are used, including the following fatty acids: linoleic, alpha-linolenic, stearic, palmitic, and stearic, to name a few. It is also rich in protein, zinc, and polyunsaturated fats.

The great thing about using the pumpkin in your beauty routine is that you don’t have to purchase skin care products at the store to enjoy the benefits. There are plenty of homemade recipes that you can use at home. The next time you’re in a do-it-yourself mood, try the following recipes on for size:

Facial Mask: Combine two teaspoons of cooked or canned pumpkin, ¼ teaspoon milk or whipping cream, and ½ teaspoon of honey in a small bowl. Next, apply the mixture to your complexion and use your fingertips to apply it in circular motions. Avoid the eye area. Let the mask sit for between 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water, pat dry and moisturize.

Body Scrub: Combine ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ½ cup cooked or canned, pureed pumpkin, and ½ cup brown sugar in a bowl. Now step into your bath or shower and use a damp washcloth to apply the scrub to your entire body, excluding your face. Use circular motions and work your way from your feet upwards. Once that’s been completed, rinse off completely and apply lotion/moisturizer as usual.

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