Six Steps to Prevention of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia are on the rise. They are considered to be the inevitable result of old age or due to hereditary factors. Those who have had a family member who succumbed to Alzheimer’s do have a greater risk to developing the disease later in life. But even those who have no family history can fall prey to this devastating disease as more than heredity can create the ideal conditions that lead to a diagnosis of the disease.

There are five methods that can prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s and keep the mental faculties sharp well into old age.

Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Today’s man and woman is under more stress than that experienced by their peers a generation ago. High stress has many running the treadmill trying to maintain an impossible standard of living. A high stressed lifestyle brings with it high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Poor eating habits increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. Simply by reducing cholesterol through weight loss and a good diet, the chances of Alzheimer’s is greatly minimized.

Raise HDL Cholesterol

High Density Lipoproteins is known as the good cholesterol. Studies indicate that HDL levels over 60mg/dl can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. And the best way to raise HLD and reduce LDL is through exercise and eating more fruits and fresh vegetables. More soluble fiber in the diet helps increase HDL levels.

Supplement with Vitamin C.

The intake of vitamin C is woefully inadequate for most people. Vitamin C is a vital component for both body and brain health. The brain has 15 times more vitamin C than is found in the other organs of the body. It’s required for good memory and mental functioning. A supplement of one gram daily helps keep the mind from the ravages created by Alzheimer’s.

Reduce Homocysteine Levels

Homocysteine and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) are better markers of a future heart attack than cholesterol alone. Those who have high homocysteine levels have four to five times the risk for developing Alzheimer’s. 800 mcg of folic acid, 150 mcg of vitamin B-12 and 75 milligrams of vitamin B-6 taken every day can help lower homocysteine levels.

Essential Herbs

Nature provides a number of herbs that can help improve blood flow to the brain and speed up the delivery of oxygen to help the absorption of glucose into the brain’s cells. The brain creates its own glucose and those who have low levels often suffer from Alzheimer’s. In some medical circles, Alzheimer’s is looked on as a type 3 form of diabetes. Ginkgo biloba and vinpocetine are two herbs that help to increase circulation. They have been shown to improve memory functioning in those at the early stages of Alzheimer’s. A good daily dose should be 100 mg of ginkgo biloba and 10mg of vinpocetine.

Appropriate Exercise

There’s no question about the health benefits of exercise. Besides better circulation of oxygen to the brain, exercise release the toxins stored in fatty tissue and helps flush them out of the body. Today’s world is filled with toxins, some of which interfere with the natural chemical and electrical impulses that occur in the brain.

Employing these six methods early in life will mean better health for the brain and a sharper memory well into the senior years.


  • “Higher Levels of HDL Cholesterol Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease” (Accessed Feb. 4, 2011)
  • “Herbs for Alzheimer’s Disease” (Accessed Feb. 4, 2011)
  • “Diet, Exercise and Health” (Accessed Feb. 4, 2011)